هذه المقالة جزء من تغطيتنا الخاصة بإحتجاجات مصر 2011
تم نشر قوات الجيش لتنفيذ حظر التجوال الليلي عقب المظاهرات الهائلة التي اجتاحت مصر اليوم . وقوبل الخبر بدهشة عارمة على التويتر مع توارد بعض الأنباء عن وقوف الجيش لصالح الشعب.
وفيما يلي مجموعة مختارة من الأخبار التي وردت على تويتر من قلب المنطقة :
@flashboy: AJ report from Alexandria suggests the Egyptian army's decided which side they're on, and it's not Mubarak's – shaking protesters’ hands.
@news_view RT @BreakingNews: Egyptian army ordered onto the streets, but they do NOT appear to be taking any action against protesters -NBC's Richard Engel #Egypt #Jan25
@terriaminute: Demonstrators in Cairo surrounded a military vehicle, but they were cheering the army http://bit.ly/f6WPYV #jan25 #awesome
@SultanAlQassemi Must see: Egyptians saluting massive army presence in downtown Cairo. #jan25 http://yfrog.com/h4a0rgj
@DannyRamadan: Four Army cars on Qasr al-Neel bridge and protesters are standing ontop of them cheering and waving Egypt flags. It looks peaceful. #jan25
@ReneeEverett: People cheering army on the streets of Cairo. #Egypt
@ShahbazWeb: Looks like army is with the revolution – long live Tunis Fever! #Egypt #TunisFever #jan25
@shamanyalkhaili Army joining forces with protests !!!
@lishypo: “In other words, if the army ever decides to shoot into a crowd of unarmed protestors, it will be shooting with hardware provided by the US”
@strangetales CNN: Nationwide curfew now in effect for #Egypt. Nobody obeying it. Nobody enforcing it. Protesters cheer the army's support. #jan25