هذه المقالة جزء من التغطية الخاصة بثورة مصر 2011
يواصل المتظاهرون في مصر مظاهراتهم في حالة من الغضب والارتباك وهم مصرِّين على الدعوة لمطالبهم بطريقة سلمية، للإطاحة بالنظام. كان خطاب مبارك الليلة مثل ظهوره التلفزيوني السابق — تسبب في حشد الحشود وتوحدهم تحت راية واحدة: الدعوة إلى وضع حد لحكمه هو ونظامه الذي دام 30 عاماً.
أخذت الحالة على تويتر منعطف آخر بعد الخطاب المتوقع مما أدى إلى المزيد من الإرتباك. تتراوح الحالة من النكت الموجودة على وسم شباك #ReasonsMubarakIsLate (لماذا مبارك متأخراً)، إلى الثورة التي عادت مرة أخرى، مع مجموعة من المتظاهرين المحيطين بمبنى التلفزيون المصري، وغيرهم في مسيرة إلى القصر الرئاسي.
على الرغم من اللهجة الغاضبة، تعهد المحتجون بالبقاء بعيداً عن العنف ، وكان الرد على ذلك بأن الحكومة أطلقت عليهم البلطجية المأجورين. وفيما يلي مقتطفات من التعليقات على التويتر:
@ElBaradei: Egypt will explode. Army must save the country now
@NevineZaki: all hell has broken loose
@amgadmakarem: Rising our shoes in the air was only a response to ur speech but not our reaction. Peace is our 1st card, but u ran out of cards #JAN25
@hebaelkayal: Let's not lose the respect & credibility we've gained by turning violent, kill them w/ peace #jan25 #Egypt
@Ms_Hala: Protesters maintaining the peace despite their extreme anger over pathetic speeches back to back!! #Egypt #Jan25 #ArabRevolt #fb
@Alshaheeed: Peaceful. Peaceful. All the way. No other option. #Jan25 #Egypt
@monasosh: Stop telling us to keep it peaceful, we have always been peaceful & we r remaining peaceful. Any violence will be from Mubarak's ppl #Jan25
@srfahmy: #Military, every1 is counting on u 2 maintain the peace. Make the right choice & protect the people! Side with them. #Egypt #jan25 #Tahrir
@Ssirgany: I truly want to understand Mubarak said, but even our ambassador to US on CNN is being vague about the “delegation/transfer” of power #jan25
@Alshaheeed: #Egypt Protesters will only surround the palace and the TV building. No one will be violent #Jan25
@3arabawy: Thousands r now heading to the State TV building. #Jan25
@monasosh: Infront of the TV building, we need more ppl COME AND JOIN US #Jan25 http://yfrog.com/h4jpgvvj
@arwaCNN: Human chain of soldiers infront of #egypt tv/min of info bldg, 100s protesters chanting out mubarak #jan25
@NevineZaki: well, ppl are furious, they re heading to TV bldg, which has been evacuated earlier. And they have formed a ring around it
@alaa: We never start violence, the idea is to disable state tv but our numbers not big enough yet and building heavily baricaded #Jan25
@pakinamamer: Still in #Tahrir. Crowds are marginally less but there are thousands still, all offended by Mubarak's defiance of their legit demands #Jan25
@pakinamamer: Here is the latest picture from #Tahrir. #Jan25 #Egypt http://yfrog.com/h7f6cpzj
@emoodz: He dug his own grave.. It doesn't look like it'll be pretty..
@SultanAlQassemi: I don't expect less than 10 million protesters on the streets of Egypt tomorrow.
@CarlosLatuff: (Cartoon) #Mubarak got the chair, Egyptian people got the POWER! #Jan25 #Egypt http://twitpic.com/3yf00q
@algergawi: Dear Egyptians, it seems that the old man won't go until all 85 million of you take to the streets. Bring everyone tomorrow. #Jan25
@tarawnah: #mubarak no diff than Arab leaders who always insult intelligence of youth, Even after millions take 2 streets for 18 days. #jan25 #egypt
@AmoonaE: I don't think it's smart to wait till tmrw for the big protests. Just go NOW, march NOW! They said he'll leave today? MAKE IT HAPPEN! #Jan25
@bb_aisha: People held up shoes during Mubarak's speech.After,some cried,most were just angry & disappointed.Fri's a big day, they say #fb
ومن المتوقع أن يكون هناك احتجاجات حاشدة غداً الجمعة في مصر بعد صلاة الظهر.
هذه المقالة جزء من التغطية الخاصة بثورة مصر 2011