هذا المقال من ضمن تغطيتنا لمظاهرات مصر 2011
لقد تنحى مبارك. سوف اترك مستخدمي تويتر التعليق علىالمرح و السعاده الموجوده فى الهواء:
AJEnglish@: Breaking: Omar Suleiman announces that Mubarak has resigned – http://aje.me/ajelive #egypt #cairo
xSultanAlQassemi@: Exact words: Omar Suleiman: Mubarak has resigned. He has delegated the responsibility of running the country to the Supreme Military Council
مبروك لمصر .. المجرم غادر القصر
تنحى !!
ianinegypt@: Mubarak steps down to Allahu Akbar ringing out in Tahrir Square. #egypt #jan25
xjonjensen@: Hosni Mubarak is no longer the president of Egypt. Crowds in Tahrir going crazy. #Jan25 #Tahrir
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!draddee@: Mubarak is GONE
Firas_Atraqchi@: Beautifully played by the military – now controls the country. If it didn't before. #jan25 #cairo
xDima_Khatib@: Mubarak is GONE #egypt #jan25
tololy@: Mubarak finally steps down. What was his speech last night all about then? I “will” keep my promises, I “will” stay until September. #Jan25
هذا المقال من ضمن تغطيتنا لمظاهرات مصر 2011