سامر عودة

My Name is Samer, I was born in 1988 in the city of Nablus in the occupied West Bank. I cannot tell that I chose the way I have stepped in 18 years after I came to this life, simply because no one chooses the most difficult way. But the situations between 2001 and 2006 pushed me to be against the state which took our land and stole our identity. I have been arrested by the Israeli occupation in 2007, one year after joining An-Najah National University. I have spent two years in prison before I have been released in 2009.

I have pursued my undergraduate studies in English literature and graduated finally 5 years after I had my freedom. Two years later, in 2016 exactly, I decided to pursue my postgraduate study in Translation and Applied Linguistics.

I do feel better when my words reach to places that I cannot reach. I do feel better when my words attract people to read my stories about a sad country called PALESTINE

Currently, I am the CEO of www.tanweir.net

البريد الالكتروني سامر عودة

آخر المقالات من سامر عودة

مساحة سامر عودة

Currently, I am the CEO of www.tanweir.net